Five Questions You Can Ask Your Senior about Driving

Senior Care in Spokane WA: Driving Safety

Driving is such a complicated topic when it comes to your aging adult. Talking about what’s going on helps you to find answers for her that work, but you need to get specific information. These questions can help you do that. Are Other Drivers Honking a Lot When You’re Driving? If other drivers are honking…

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France is the Next Country to Create an Alzheimer's Village

Senior Care in Spokane WA: Just about 9.5 miles south of Amsterdam sits the city of Weesp. The world’s first dementia village is found in Weesp. Hogeweyk is unique in that it looks like a town, but it’s secure and fully staffed with caregivers who blend in with the residents.

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How Can Your Aging Parent Make a Difference to Your Children?

Senior Care in Spokane WA: When you take on the role of being a family caregiver for your aging parent, it is likely you are focused on the difference you can make in their life, and how you are able to help them. What you might not think about is how this role can actually help you, and make a difference in your life, and in the lives of your children.

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What Are the Four Leading Stressors Affecting Seniors?

Senior Care in Spokane WA: During April’s Stress Awareness Month, it’s a good time to revisit common stressors. In 1967, Holmes and Rahe created the Social Readjustment Rating Scale. For a senior citizen, there are some events that have a higher chance of happening due to their age.

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Are You Doing Too Much for Your Aging Adult?

Senior Care in Spokane WA: Some family caregivers are actually doing more for their aging adults than they should be doing. It’s all in the name of wanting to help, but it can do a little bit of harm, too.

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What to Expect as Alzheimer’s Progresses

Senior Care in Spokane WA: Though some experts describe Alzheimer’s as having five stages, some three, and still others seven, all of them agree that it progresses in stages. The experience is different for everyone, but the general progression is the same.

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Happy Holidays!

Senior Care in Spokane WA: Over 300 gifts were wrapped and delivered to needy seniors in the greater Spokane community.

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A Core Value of Love

Senior Care in Spokane WA: A core value of Love At Home Senior Care is service. We seek to serve our clients in the most compassionate and respectful manner possible.

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