Four Big Reasons for Your Senior to Seek Medical Attention after a Fall

Elderly Care in Spokane Valley WA: Seeking Medical Attention After a Fall

Once your elderly family member falls, it’s vital that she sees a medical professional right away. Even if she’s not excited about the idea, there are some reasons why it’s important. She Might Have an Injury She Doesn’t Notice. A fall can be shocking, which sometimes means that your senior doesn’t notice an injury at…

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Why Do Seniors with Alzheimer's Disease Repeat Themselves?

Elderly Care in Spokane Valley WA: As a family caregiver for an aging adult was living with Alzheimer’s disease, you have likely noticed your senior exhibit a wide range of symptoms and challenges since their diagnosis.

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What You Should Know About Hospital Acquired Infections

Elderly Care in Spokane Valley WA: When you think about your parent going into the hospital to receive care, you want to think they are in the best hands possible, and that their environment is one of healing. Unfortunately, there are risks your senior faces anytime they are in the hospital.

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How Can Respite Care Help You as You Care for a Senior with Alzheimer's Disease?

Elderly Care in Spokane Valley WA: As a family caregiver for a senior with Alzheimer’s disease, you will use a wide variety of tools and skills throughout your experience to make sure you meet your parents needs as effectively and efficiently as possible. One you may not know about can actually be one of the most beneficial. This is respite care.

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What’s the Best Way to Help Seniors Take Medication Safely?

Elderly Care in Spokane Valley WA: Many older adults take multiple medications to manage conditions. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that 29 percent of Americans take more than one. Taking several different medications increases the risk for drug interactions and medication mix-ups.

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