France is the Next Country to Create an Alzheimer's Village

Senior Care in Spokane WA: Just about 9.5 miles south of Amsterdam sits the city of Weesp. The world’s first dementia village is found in Weesp. Hogeweyk is unique in that it looks like a town, but it’s secure and fully staffed with caregivers who blend in with the residents.

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Why Do Seniors with Alzheimer's Disease Repeat Themselves?

Elderly Care in Spokane Valley WA: As a family caregiver for an aging adult was living with Alzheimer’s disease, you have likely noticed your senior exhibit a wide range of symptoms and challenges since their diagnosis.

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Is Your Senior Showing Early Signs of Wandering?

Home Care in Liberty Lake WA: Wandering is a fairly common symptom or behavior of Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, experts estimate that approximately 3 out of 5 people who are living with Alzheimer’s disease exhibit the tendency to wander.

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How Can Respite Care Help You as You Care for a Senior with Alzheimer's Disease?

Elderly Care in Spokane Valley WA: As a family caregiver for a senior with Alzheimer’s disease, you will use a wide variety of tools and skills throughout your experience to make sure you meet your parents needs as effectively and efficiently as possible. One you may not know about can actually be one of the most beneficial. This is respite care.

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Your Mom Clings to You – Is It Really Just Loneliness?

Senior Care in Spokane Valley WA: When you visit your mom, she clings to you. If you leave the room, she’s hot on your heels. If you go outside, she follows you. She follows you to the bathroom, the kitchen, and any other room you need to visit.

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What to Expect as Alzheimer’s Progresses

Senior Care in Spokane WA: Though some experts describe Alzheimer’s as having five stages, some three, and still others seven, all of them agree that it progresses in stages. The experience is different for everyone, but the general progression is the same.

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